An apple a day won't just keep the Doctor away, it can also 
    chase away the blues. A study at Michigan State University 
    revealed subjects who ate two apples a day had fewer tensions, 
    headaches and emotional upsets, writes Ben Harris, author of 
    Home Remedies, Cures And Kitchen Tricks (Gramercy Publishing 
    Company, 1985). What's more, according to Harris' informative 
    book, an apple a day can keep the dentist away as well. They 
    help cleanse teeth of decay causing carbohydrates like sugar and 
    stimulate the gums and saliva flow. 

    A juice extract from the roots and lower stems of asparagus 
    are said to be an effective kidney remedy. To extract the 
    juice, simply simmer two heaping tablespoonfuls of chopped 
    asparagus roots and lower stems in one quart of hot water for 
    approximately 30 minutes, then strain. Drink a cupful every 
    three to four hours. 

    Celery is another excellent vegetable for settling nerves, 
    Harris points out in his no-nonsense book. Try the expressed 
    juice of celery leaves and stalks in half cup doses, three to 
    four times a day. The oil from mashed cloves can be used for 
    settling nerves of a different sort --- in an aching tooth that 
    has lost its filling! 

    Dates soaked in warm water until cool are said to be a 
    naturally gentle laxative. Chew them well and don't forget to 
    drink the water they were soaked in as well. A small dose, five 
    or six dates, in the morning and night will suffice. Ginger is 
    an excellent relief for menstrual cramps. Mix a quarter of a 
    teaspoon each of powdered ginger and one eighth teaspoon each 
    of powdered cloves and cinnamon in one half cup of warm 
    wine (20% alcohol). Allow the mixture to infuse for one our 
    stirring the mixture three or four times at least. Take two to 
    three tablespoons in one half cup of warm water every hour or 
    two as needed. 

    Looking for a first-rate facial? Soak overnight one 
    tablespoon of rolled oats in two tablespoons of buttermilk, add 
    one beaten white of an egg. Spread over the face and neck and 
    let it stay 20 to 30 minutes. Remove with a soft washcloth and 
    tepid water. Do two treatments a day. Papaya is a wonder 
    fruit. Besides being highly nutritious, it is said to be used 
    effectively in giving immediate relief of indigestion and 
    dyspepsia. It reportedly removes mucous and decaying matter from 
    the digestive and intestinal tract, while cleansing the mouth 
    and teeth and ridding offensive breath. Strawberries are also 
    good for the teeth. They dissolve tartarous formations and 
    prevent tartar buildup when halved and rubbed over the teeth and 
    gums. Allow the juice to remain a minute or two before rinsing. 

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