Preamble: A word of caution
For your convenience the
preamble appears at the end of this document. Simply click HERE
to go there. Another link throughout this writing is marked as
"TOP" and will bring you to
the start of the article. You are encouraged to read it in
advance of the article on Hekate. It includes important
information, legal and otherwise, that you should know.
symbol of Hekate
Hekate (Hehk-ah-tee;
Hee-kah-tee never
hehk-eight) is
probably, if not,
the most famous of the Greek deities associated with magick. Not
only a Goddess of magick but a creatrix of it who only granted her
mysteries and powers to her favorites which were those who respected
and honored her most.
to tradition, she is either the daughter of Zeus (Zoos;
Zyoos) and Demeter (Dee-mee-tuhr;
Zeus and Hera (Hair-uh; Huhr-ah; Hee-rah);
or the Titans (Tigh-tanz) Perses (Puhr-seez)
and Astria
The latter being
the most likely since she is an ancient Goddess. Though she is of
uncertain pedigree, it is clear
that she is a Titaness of Thraycian (thray-see-an)
origin. Her worship was not limited to Thrace as it eventually
spread to Troy, Thessaly and Ephesus. Her mystery rites were
held on Aegina, and possibly in Idrias which was once called
Hekataea. TOP
the earliest
times she ruled the moon, the earth and the sea.
She is known as Hekate of Heaven, Earth and Hell for a variety, but for
mainly obvious,
reasons as you will see.
Amongst her blessings were victory, magick, power, queen of the spirit
realm, wealth, wisdom, successful
and sailing. However, she only bestowed these treasures upon
mortals whom she deemed worthy and respectful. Her gifts were not
idly handed
out and should be graciously received. She, like the sea she
loved, had a raging, quick temper not easily appeased once
enraged. Some sources claim she demands respect for the elderly
as well and can be quite unforgiving when this is crossed.
She was the sole Titan/ess who retained full power and privileges
under the
iron rule of Zeus. She was honored and revered by all
immortals. TOP
is some speculation as to why she was so privileged to keep her
potential once the Olympians (Oh-lihm-pee-anz)
began their rule. One source suggests that this was because she
not a careless Goddess and was cautious as to which mortals received
blessings and which did not. It may also be because she assisted
the Olympians in the war against the Gigantez (Gigh-gan-teez)
or Giants. Or even due to her refusal to become involved in the
between the Olympians and the Titans (for which Zeus did bestow upon
her certain liberties and privileges). Which ever the case may
she did not decline in her potency after the Olympians came into
power. TOP
Goddesses who ruled the heavens, earth and under regions, the Moon
apparently belonged to her and was as well her own self. The
moon was considered a very mysterious and potently magickal sphere
traveling from one realm to another but ever visiting all three
planes. Its phases seemed magickal and it's association with the
tides and the menstrual cycle were too obvious to be ignored. The
waning and dark of the moon were particularly associated with her and
the final day of each
month was dedicated to her. The day was particularly potent as it
was the thirtieth (30th) and three is one of her sacred numbres, though
some sources claim the thirteenth of each month was also reserved for
her worship. This is erroneous and strictly stems from the
ancient, annual rituals of Marathon (mair-uh-thahn) explained
below. The final day of the month was also reserved for
respecting the dead. Some mythologists suggest that Hekate was only
made into a triple deity to make her like the majority of other lunar
Goddesses as she was not one initially. TOP
time Hekate, like Artemis, Athena, and Hera, absorbed the qualities and
attributes of a variety of other Goddesses. These included but
certainly may not be limited to: Pheraea (fee-ree-yah), a
shepherdess Goddess of Thrace and a hearth Goddess of Attica; some
sources include the Arkadian (ahr-kay-dee-ihn) Maera (mee-rah), the faithful dog
of Ikarus who was eventually rewarded by being transformed into the Dog
Star and thus a
Goddess of the same; as Queen
of nature, fertility and plenty she became associated with Demeter,
Rhea (Ree-ah; Ray-ah) and Cybele (Sigh-behl-lee;
Kigh-behl-lee); as a huntress, protectress of children and
of the moon she was associated with Artemis (Ahr-tee-mihs),
Diana (Digh-an-ah; Dee-an-ah) and Selene
See-leen; See-lee-nee; See-lee-nah; Suh-lee-nah; Suh-leen)
to list only a few. With the absorption of other divinities more and
more totems and affinities
were acquainted with Hekate all of which were female (when applicable).
The wolf,
horse, snake, and herbs like poppy, mandragora, storax/styrax, and
aconite were all gained through absorption according to some
sources. Thus in some stories she was said to drive a chariot
drawn by ebony snakes, dragons, horses and some by dogs or
The owl was credited as being her messenger. TOP
equated with or absorbed many other Goddesses. Some accounts even
credit her as being Persephone / Proserpine / Proserpina (Puhr-sehf-foh-nee,
Proh-suhr-pihn-nee, or Proh-suhr-pee-nah
respectfully applied)
in her most terrible aspect, though it is most likely this just became
one of her many names due to her relationship with the
underworld and noted friendship with the queen of the underworld.
Just a little side note,
in pre Christian times the underworld was not the evil place it
came to be since Christianization. In fact, some books that were
excluded from the bible illustrates that the Christian ideals of their
Hell differed little from those of the Greeks and was likely strongly
influenced by them as well. Even the root word for their unholy
nemesis, Satan originates from the Greek word Teitan meaning
"adversary." But the underworld was a place of rest and peace for
the dead. Yes, there were places of torment for the
exceptionally wicked but the underworld was segmented and the good
never saw those dark and few instances where the Gods had cursed
someone for some horrid deed. So when speaking of the underworld
you must realize that that encompasses the Elysian Fields or Elysium as
well which was very Heavenly. Hekate and Persephone were supposedly
great friends
and many reliefs
show the two very frequently together and often with Hermes (hur-meez)
with whom the latter Hekate has children. It is not uncommon for
such to assume their friend's name simply by association. All of
these things however have lead to a
of confusion particularly for the idle researcher as many tend to
that Hekate is an aspect of one of the other deities rather than an
independent and very potent Goddess within her own right. All
evidence substantiates that she is a very
entity which predates many of those whom she has been associated with
or had absorbed
the years and is not merely herself an aspected or an absorbed
has had many aspects and names, which we will address shortly. TOP
it seems
that she was a virgin, lunar, sea Goddess. She was a prophetess
to whom travelers, athletes, communicators and fishermen prayed for
protection and guidance. She was protectress of far off places,
travelers and all roadways. It was also believed that she was an
embodiment of Fate giving her the power to alter anyone's life as she
saw fit or chose.
There are many myths regarding her advancement in power and
It is clear that she had a ravenous hunger for learning and
In a myth regarding her and Hera, Goddess of fidelity, protectress of
and child birthing. The young Hekate is said to have grown
regarding child birthing which disturbed Hera thoroughly. Hera
once been a vestal (veh-stahl) Goddess
until her brother (and later husband) appeared to her in the form of a
wounded sparrow which she clutched consolingly to her breast.
deception spoiled Hera's purity, and while she retained the title as
of the Vestal Virgins, she was not one in the least. So Hekate's
curiosity upset her thoroughly as she new the dangers of such
to a virgin Goddess. TOP
curiosity would not abate, so
she spied on Hera while she aided a woman in delivering her childe and
purity was marred. It is through this that she became known as
of the earth as well as Goddess of nature and protectress of
It is believed Hera never over came her anger for Hekate's
actions but could do little about her upset. According to other
reports it was Hekate's arrival in Rome that was the reason for her
triplicity (especially where heavens, earth and underworld are
concerned) as she was equated with Venus and/or Juno. Because
Hekate was a midwife, moon Goddess and light bringer she was aspected
the two. Venus is considered the light bringer and has lunar
associations while Hera of course is protectress of childbirth.
Your author does not support these notions to the extent that others
have. I do believe that the similarities are clear but not so
much so that Hekate became an aspect of Juno/Venus nor vice
versa. It is clear however that she particularly favored women
and children and was very prone to protect them even when they simply
just left the home for an outing. Her rites included household
purification's for women and similar ceremonies that incorporated
incenses, water and of course a broom. TOP
later Greek
history it is stated that Hekate and Helios (Hee-lee-ohs)
were the two sole witnesses of the abduction and rape of Persephone by
Hades (Hay-deez), God of the
The legend says that she left her cave with torch in hand to aid
(Persephone's mother and according to some legends Hekate's mother
in her search for the missing Goddess. It does not
say why she
not tell Demeter what she had witnessed, but, it is assumed that she
seen an opportunity for advancement and decided to benefit herself by
actions. Once Persephone had
been found, and
arrangements made
her to remain in the Underworld with her new husband for part of the
and spend the other part on earth with her mother, Hekate remained in
Underworld as Persephone's friend, confidant and companion. This
gave Hekate formidable powers over the Underworld. It is through
events that she became known as Hekate of Hell and as a Goddess of
as well as protection. However some suggest the actual meaning of
this myth has been lost and compound
with confusion because of all of the fanciful additions injected into
especially once Hades was included. According to these sources
story is that of Kore's initiation into either priestesshood or her
right of passage in becoming a Goddess. Hekate was in the story
as her
guide or psychopomp who's torch and crown of light was leading her on
her path rather than snooping. TOP
is unclear as to
whether her loyal hellhounds were acquired at this
time or whether they had simply always been a part of her
Nevertheless, she did become associated with a vast array of foreboding
characters from her connection with the Underworld. Including
ghosts and ethereal entities in general. Not only did she preside over
them, ruling them compleatly, but, she was also their tormentress when
the occasion arose. TOP
The Later, more intellectual Greeks often found it
difficult to reconcile the great and mysterious crone Hekate
with both the deadly wolfbane (previously called, hekateis) and the
notorious healing powers of sacred
willow. However they found with great ease connecting the crone,
an elderly, wizened woman with death, the mysteries and so on but
not so easily with regeneration and birth. To
intellectualize Hekate was fragmented. Her title Helike (hel-ih-kee; hee-lie-kee)
was used to form a new maiden Goddess that was still her but an aspect
that made more sense to them. The new, dryadic maiden goddess
became gaurdianesss of the willow. Grain baskets made of willow
strips were woven and carried in processions and festivals in her
honor. Still hailing perhaps as well the winnower aspect as
well. 'Helike's Axels,' the representing pole star around which
everything seemed to correspond and rotate, was named for her as
well. Grain baskets made of willow strips used in processions
were also
dedicated to her. TOP
Hekate as earth Goddess ruled the underworld, possibly
alternating with Persephone, who was her preferred companion. The
underworld was understood by early Greeks and many pre-patriarchal
peoples to be a land of rebirth. Again, you must abandon all of
those post-Christianic ideals of the underworld and envision it through
the eyes of the ancient. Her main
area of work in the underworld was as goddess of the dead, night,
darkness and mistress of all
witchcraft including the black arts. She was very likely
early on a funerary divinity or involved with funeral proceedings like
embalming as one of her sacred products (honey) implies. During
the festival of the dead,
Hekate allowed ghosts to leave the underworld to visit their kin,
sharing wisdom and oracles. The rest of the year she kept them beneath
the Earth, ready for their next rebirth. Her power to drive away
malevolent energies was such that women placed her image on their doors
to drive away intruders, in company with the family watchdog (perhaps
also to watch over the family dog and keep it true in protecting
them). TOP
is remembered
today as a dark Goddess who at night sent out daemons
(a word which originally meant "spirits;" neither beneficial nor
specifically) and phantoms, taught magick and sorcery to brave mortals
who wandered about after dark with the souls of the dead accompanied by
the baying of dogs and hellhounds. It was believed that only dogs
could spy her nocturnal passing, so whenever dogs were heard to howl it
was believed that Hekate was near. She was the Queen of the
of ghosts and shades as well as other fearsome beings. The bronze
Harpies (Hahr-peez) were also under her
and dwelt in her dominion in the Underworld. She was said to be
cause of nightmares and insanity. Perhaps why the moon is said to
turn people into "LUNAtics." It is a fact that crime, suicides and
strange occurrences are reported more during the fullmoon than during
other of it's phases. She was so terrifying and frightening to
ancients that the referred to her as Aphrattos / Aphrottos,
Afra-tohs; Af-roh-tohs) "the nameless one" or "the unnamable," as well
as Pandeina, "the all-terrible." TOP
was the Goddess
of the dark of the moon; the destroyer of life.
In one myth, she turns into a bear (or a boar, of which it is never
clear to me as myths vary) and kills her own handsome and very human
son, Mormo, then brings him back to
life as a immortal monster, a sort of ghoulish creature who then took
up residence in the underworld.
These seemingly were a form of selfless sacrifice and in some Hekatean
he too is honored and revered for his death and resurrection
symbolic of the dying king. Many refer to him as the first
dead" and there is some evidence to support this which is discussed at
more length further on in this text. In her dark aspect, she
a necklace of testicles; her hair is made of writhing snakes which can
petrify like the Gorgons. She was a terrible sight to behold in
form. Both frightening and viscious. Very reminiscent of
the Hindu Kali. TOP
Helios and the sacred flames, weapon of Hekate Enodia, which she bears
when leading in Olympos and in her haunts by the sacred three-ways on
Earth crowning herself with oak leaves and twisting coils of wild
Cutters, Sophokles [496-406 BCE]
(Translation by Robert Von Rudloff, from his book, "Hekate in Ancient
Greek Religion," Horned Owl Publishing, 1999)
hellish revenue included
the Empusae (Em-pyoo-sah), a hobgoblin
creature (sometimes these were centaurs of a sort or women with the
hind-quarters of a horse); sometimes the Furies who were her close friends also (the Furies
sought out and punished those who
insulted, disobeyed, or committed violence to their mother), the
Cercopsis (Suhr-kohp-sihs),
sort of poltergeist, beautiful women, dogs, cows, sometimes Hermes
himself, Circe, Medea and those named for her son, the Mormo (Mohr-moh),
a group of flesh eating ghouls or vampiric beings. Hekate,
bi-torched and garlanded with snakes and oak leaves, cracked her
whip as her hounds bayed the approach of the nocturnal legion.
She also carried with her a magickal cord used for magickal work,
mundane bindings as well and as a tool for measuring. She may
have also at times carried with her a sword or snake instead of
the whip and cord (respectfully applied) the latter employed to cut
the thread of life still another of her respected provinces. The
innocent happening to unluckily stumble upon this procession of hades
might find themselves a savory victim to one of her entourage or she
might look kindly on them and divine their future. In later times a
pillar called Hekaterion was created that was composed of the triple
Goddess surrounding a column. Each visage bore a torch and three sacred
items. One was the key which unlocked the sacred mysteries of
magick, the afterlife and the underworld; the other a cord her tool of
measurement, binding and a symbol of the umbilical cord of birth; and
lastly a dagger or athame as symbol of death and ritual power. TOP
this is not
her only guise. She is often depicted as
a normal woman, usually quite common of dress and appearance, though
sometimes lovely. In such instances she may either be young,
mature or elderly but the first and last seem to be the most
common. Sometimes, in her role as earth Goddess extraordinaire
is seen as a comely women with a crown of stars having all of nature at
her command. Another guise may be that of a wild, common woman of
elder years wearing oak leaves adhered to her tattered robes and
mangled into her hair. She
also seen as a woman with three heads and with three sets of arms which
is the most common visage today's witches ascribe to her. This
later form
today is associated by witches as the images of the maid, mother and
representative of the three lunar cycles. Though commonly, modern
witches primarily view her as the crone alone naming the other two
as other Goddesses such as Artemis as the maiden and Demeter as the
There was also another triple headed image of her bearing the faces of
a lion, dog, and horse; a dog, a ram and a serpent (sometimes a horse
serpent) or a serpent, a dog and a horse all on the body of a
woman. The combinations do vary but ate typically of those
animals. Each of her three heads
represented the seasons of the year making her a major calendar Goddess
as well. She is also mistress of the lunar calendars of recent
years. Her home is alternatively
as being a cave, a place amongst tombs or other places of the dead, or
a site where blood was shed by a murderer. She is noted for
hanging out in graveyards but most do not understand why. She
wondered the cemeteries looking for discarnated souls who had lost
their way so that she might lead them into the underworld. This
is the actual reason for her nocturnal jaunts and makes her both a
funerary Goddess as well as a psychopomp. TOP
her worship
was widespread, Hekalesian Rites were practiced widely especially at
Samothsrace (Sam-mahths-rayss),
Aegina (Ee-gee-nah), her sacred city
festivals were held to her on the eighth of August and the last day of
each month; Argos (Ahr-gohs),
Hera's sacred city and Athens (A-thenz),
Athena's (Ah-thee-nah; Goddess of strategic war,
crafts, wisdom
and culture) sacred city from which it was named to list
only a few. Many
homes displayed statues of Hekate either inside or just outside the
by the front door hoping to invoke her protection. Her rites were
annually held at Marathon at the House of
Storms and Fertility (to pray that the harvest storms be kept from
destroying the crops) on August thirteenth (a date honored and
considered sacred to her still today) at which her figures were
replaced. New images of her were hung on
house front, before gates and temples to invoke her protection and the
olde ones left with the offerings at crossroads. These images
appeared at crossroads (which were sacred to her) and it is believed
one would suffer greatly who harmed a traveler who rested by her image
at such a site. There is some speculation that the Hecataea (Hehk-ah-tee-ah;
Hee-kah-tee-ah), crossroad statues or perhaps even actual
priestesses, were also consulted as oracles. The
headed figures often carried an assortment of weapons which included
daggers, torches, whips and snakes. This is a common image still
applied to her today. TOP
the end of each
month (the last day of each month), her worshippers set out dishes of
food for
her by the statues at crossroads and by their front doors (typically at
the statues feet on the ground). The meal was left in her honor
on the eve of the full moon without looking back for fear of meeting
the eye of the dreaded but respected Goddess. This meal, known as
'Hekate Suppers,' typically consisted of
fish, honey (an embalming material), onions and eggs, but may have also
included garlic which
considered sacred to her. Just before the
meal, a censer that had been made from a clay pot was used to purify
the home. The censer would be left with the offerings later
at one of Hekate's shrines. The meal
itself was held late at night and magic was taught after the supper.
The women held sacred moon
ceremonies afterwards that included painting their hands and feet with
henna, which is sacred to Hekate. Those seeking to appease her,
sacrifices of chicken hearts and barley cakes which were left beside
doors. It was considered to be a good omen should a dog
a black one) eat this sacrifice. TOP
sacrifices were also common to
worship and were held at each full and
dark Moon. Offerings of small cakes and candles were left at her
shrines, where it was believed that she would come collect them,
accompanied by her hellish revenue of dogs and nocturnal terrors on
her nightly travels. Easily differentiated from Artemis by the
silvery torch she held in
each hand as she made her slow but steady travel through the
Blood and human sacrifices held at the full moon occurred and were
usually performed at these crossroads as well. These rituals
of the slaughter of female black puppies, she-lambs or goats but human
sacrifices of infants were not uncommon or unheard of, these victims
were also
The animals are typically believed to have been black in colour while
the children may have been of either caucasian or negroid. White
children were typically
sacrificed face up by cutting the throat while black children were
offered face down so that their blood might fall to the earth
quickest. This wasn't a racial prejudice but more a colour bias,
she was VERY partial to black, and wanted the blood of the dark skinned
more eagerly and quickly than the light skinned. TOP
entire animal
had to be eaten, consumed or else wise used in some way so that it was
not wasted, or the participants
were tainted with blood guilt for wrongfully ending the animal's life
that would require absolution. Perhaps the Henna's inclusion had
something to do with this as a blood on the hands type symbology.
While it is clear that she preferred specific animals over others all
animals were precious to her to some degree or other since she was a
huntress and earth mother Goddess. I think this is why the above
rule was important to her.
Her prayers were likely performed
on ones knees with palms open and facing up with the head raised
heaven or with the palms down and the head lowered to the Underworld
on either location of the worshipper or in what way they were praying
her for or in which aspect she was being prayed to. Modern
Witches honor her at Hallowmas / Samhain /
Halloween / etc., held on October 31 to honor a time when the veil
between the world was the thinnest. I find no ancient rites
directly tied to this modern tradition amongst the Greeks nor in any
rites directly attributed to Hekate though I find it no less
appropriate because of this. To this day, however, the
crossroads remain her most enduring symbol. While her shrines
once dotted the crossroads of Greece in abundance it is important to
note that the preferred crossroad for her is "where three lanes meet"
not where two roads cross as some suggest. Others have attributed
the "plus sign" to her erroneously as a result of this
misconception. But as the title Hekate Trivia so plainly states
the true crossroads of Hekate are "three-ways." TOP
Later on, patriarchal Greeks (perhaps in an effort to
soften or weaken her) add that crossroads became sacred to her because
she had been abandoned as an infant at a crossroad and left to die
there. A very peculiar addition actually as it sort of gives an
acknowledgment of Priestesses and Amazonian travelers well noted for
rescues of this sort. They continued adding that it was
shepherds that found the infant Goddess and saved her. I've never
a source to substantiate these statements though. Her
sadly, had been forced mainly
underground by the time the Romans came along. Some accredit her
association with crossroads as a sort of map to find her covens and
worship sites. Others claim it was the Romans themselves who
unintentionally gave directions to the informed by
their warnings that the fountain of Hekate Trivia should at all cost be
avoided midnight. To do so would make one made with lunacy and
draw you there repeatedly until you were totally insane and beyond
redemption. As a side note, initially midnight was not an exact
hour rather it was the point at which the moon was at its highest
peak. Later in Italy at the lake of
Avernus (a lake the ancients attributed as an entrance to the
underworld, also Averno), a dark, scared grove of was dedicated to Hekate. TOP
was also the
patroness of the medieval witch covens who worshipped
her in their secret rites. This is when she officially became
known as queen of the ghost-world and queen of the witches. She
was quickly demonized by the hierarchy of Catholicism who said
the most
dangerous to their faith were those who
worshipped Hekate in whatever form - most notably this would be the
midwives. Many believe it is this which actually prompted the
burning times craze and persecutions. Midwifery had cut into many
areas men intended to and actually were slowly invading for themselves,
such as doctoring. Many believe that fearing the power midwifery
gave to women they wanted to root it out before it went too far.
The Catholics thus played a game of, if you cannot beat them join them,
and adapted Hekate's triplicity to their own divinity when they added
the elusive, holy spirit, which to this day confuses even some priests
as to what it means and why it's there. Furthermore, Mary was
named the blessed virgin and mother of god to soothe the angst of
Pagans who could not understand a patriarchal religion. They
needed a mother for it to make sense to them. One source even
claims that early statues of the mother and her childe Jesus were
actually statues of Diana and Aradia! This source said the
infants, very often even to this day, are female or neutered because
they were copies of those Pagan statues. TOP
it is unclear whether it was a
or survival of her cults that appeared at this time. It is
that her cults out lasted those of her fellow Greek divinities.
cults were centred originally in Lagina (Lah-gee-nah)
and are known to have existed circa 800 BCE through Christianization,
400 CE though it is probable that her worship dates much farther back
may have survived longer than recorded. A great Hekataion Karia
once stood at Lagina, presumably a
pilgrimage site for her worshippers from Galatia (gah-lay-shee-yah), Lydia (lih-dee-yah), Lykia (lie-kee-ya), Pamphylia (pam-fihl-ee-yah),
and Paphlagonia (paf-lah-goh-nee-ya).
The Goddess Herodias is
to be an aspect of Hekate and others suggest that she strongly
(at least Hecuba (Hehk-yoo-bah) and
Hepzebah (Hehp-zih-bah) which may even
give her biblical
associations. She has been known by many names that have either
hers uniquely, or as mentioned above have been absorbed by her.
names include Trivia / Trevia (Trih-vee-ah;
as Goddess of the crossways and protectress of travelers, Pandeina (Pan-dee-nah)
"the all-terrible," and the names of most any lunar
Goddess. She was called "The Hag of
the Dead" and "the most lovely one" (a title of the moon) equally and
without prejudice. However the name, Hekate,
itself is of uncertain origins or meaning to the Greeks implying
foreign origin (which I'll get to shortly). Some suggest it means
"100," referring to the 100 months of the great lunar year.
suggest it means "one from afar," "one who stands aloof," or "influence
from afar." There is no actual way of knowing for certain, though
we do know that similar words in Greek are ascribe with both
However, there is also considerable reason to assume that the name may
not be
Greek in origin at all. TOP
poetry from Alexandrian Aegypt
survived the harsh passage of time, though seriously fragmented, it is
clear that
it refers to Hekate in which she is venerated as "the Great Mother,
of the universe." This may suggest that she influenced or perhaps
even was the same as the Aegyptian Goddess Hequit, Heqit, Heqet, Hekat
or Heket which means,
"the great magician." Hequit's story is a bit less vague.
Early Aegyptians were led by the elder women of the community.
These women called, Heq, were considered the wisest. They
determined the laws and social structures of their tribe; over saw the
general health and welfare of the community; insured tradition, skills
and wisdom was passed from generation to generation - in short the were
the wise, unquestioned leaders of Aegyptian tribes. It was
believed The Heq was sort of the avatar of mortal embodiment of the
Goddess Hequit (also Hekit or Hequit). Hekat was the great
mother, the Goddess of midwifery, of magick, giver of wisdom and so
on. Some suggest Heq has been translated unto the more modern,
"hag." TOP
was an early grain and harvest Goddess as well, predating Osiris.
The mystery of grain's growth and seeming rotting before new growth was
like magick, a resurrection to the ancients thus the Goddess of magick
should sensibly preside over grain as well since it was clearly
magickal. This made her a Goddess of the cycle of life - birth,
growth, death and renewal. The grain was even measured in what
was called heqats which was represented by an eye symbol much like the
eye of Horus, though some suggest both symbols are one and the
same. Regardless her power and skill as creatrix was firmly
rooted and perhaps a heavy influence in later religious ceremonies and
traditions that would become more strongly recognized with other
divinities. TOP
Hekate, Hequit too was associated with a key of sort. The key of
life, the ankh, which she (and her priestesses) used to touch the
foreheads of the newly born to give them life. Then the little
finger would be used to clear away birth fluids from the mouth.
The latter portion of the ceremony would later become a part of the
rituals of death wherein the priests would use an adze in a mouth
clearing ceremony for the dead. The adze is a small, hand shaped
device that easily resembles the Big Dipper, which is one of Hequit's
sacred constellations. TOP
Though highly revered by the
Aegyptians they did not believe she was
from Aegypt, but instead from Nubia. But any true evidence of
seems to have disappeared into the mists of time. The Greek
Herodotus (often hailed as "the father of history" [484-424 BCE])
believed she came to Greece from Colchis (an Asian country and birth
place of Medea) and that they (the Colchians) hailed from Aegypt. Greek
writers tried desperately to find some meaning in this very foreign
name; striving to connect it to their language. This led to many
variants of the name including Hekatabolos "the far off one" or "one
from afar." But her multiple names and titles (listed below) also
stand as a testimonial of her immense popularity. It is believed
whatever counterpart the Greeks had prior to Hekate she and the name
has been totally lost. They worshipped her with wild dances of
that may have contributed to the history of the Maenads. TOP
The farther the word and
myth of Hekate traveled the more
her mythology and stories were absorbed by other cultures and/or the
more she absorbed their divinities into her own mythos. She is
tied or
incorporated with many triple divinities in various areas. Some
she was considered a triple entity while other times she literally was
depicted as a tri-headed Goddess. Evidence suggests she was part
of a
holy trinity with Helike and Helene that composed the major religious
framework of Troy. Other important trinities composed with Hekate (the harvested corn)
included Hebe as maiden/Hera as mother, Persephone or Kore as
maiden/Artemis as Crone (sometimes Persephone
(the ripe ear) was Crone to Artemis'
maiden aspect) and Demeter as the mother aspect. Though the most
common was likely Hekate as the Crone, Demeter as the Mother and
as the Maiden ( the green corn).
Hekate's torch was symbolically carried
freshly sown fields in recognition of the fertilizing power of the
moon. TOP
included her in Macbeth as the mysterious patroness of the
three "weird sisters" or witches who invoke her. This has
encouraged the continuance of her worship as well as impressed her in
minds of most people as the reigning omnipotence of witches and
She has since become the subject of many artists, writers and
Most notably she appears in Hesiod's (Hee-sahdz)
Theogeny. Euripides (Yoo-rihp-ih-deez),
the Greek poet, calls her "Queen of the Phantomworld." As well,
has become the subject of many incantations and spells. She was
using a symbol of the crescent with two points up and a third point at
centre. One such petition for her patronage (with reference to
was recorded in the third century by Hypolitus (High-poh-ligh-tus;
High-pahl-ih-tuhs; Hih-pahl-ih-tuhs) in the work Philosophumena (Fihl-ahs-oh-foo-mee-na) as follows:
infernal, terrestrial, and heavenly
Bombo (Bahm-boh; another name for Hekate),
Goddess of the broad roadways, of the crossroads, thou who goest to and
fro at night, torch in hand, enemy of the day. Friend and lover of
though who doest rejoice when the bitches are howling and warm blood is
spilled, thou who art walking amid the phantoms and the place of tombs,
thou whose thirst is blood, though who doest strike chill fear into
hearts, Gorgo (Hekate, perhaps but certainly
to the Gorgons), Mormo, Moon of a thousand forms, cast a
eye upon our sacrifice."
may have been the source of wicked Witches in fairytales as she
clearly fits the mold as far as appearances go. But that is one
of the delights of Hekate who proves that appearances are definitely
deceptive. The frog prince is likely remnants relating to Hekate
as the frog, a symbol of the fetus and reincarnation, was sacred to
her. Thus to be turned into a frog was to be reincarnated or
reborn. In some myths she took the form of a frog herself so that
each night she might dive deep into the underworld, collect the sun
that had fallen there (as a a golden ball, orb or apple) so that she
could return it to the sky. A variant of this appears in several
tellings of "The Princess and the Frog." So nearly all fables
hailing to frogs and hags (Heqs) have their start with Hekate. TOP
symbols are varied and broad and differing. In Rome she became
attributed with her most notorious symbol ever perhaps, The
broom. The broom is a symbol of midwifery and marriage and the
home. To this day Wiccan and numerous other Eco-centric religions
attest to the power of this association by the broom jumping rites in
their hand-fasting ceremonies. Initially the broom jumping was
done in front of the threshold of the home (though I do not think the
groom actually carried the bride then) to insure their happiness.
Stumbling over the broom is an ill-omen for the newly weds and the
survival of the marriage was not believed likely. Other means of
the ceremony was to represent the sexual coupling anticipated
from marriage (which may have been intended for fertility) as well as
an emotional and the future which awaited. Hekate also used her
broom after births to sweep away negative forces, illnesses and any
naughty spirits who had been attracted by the blood. The sweeping
particularly was done at the threshold and perhaps the windows as
well. Other symbols and tools of Hekate was her wand which
represented her magick and power; a black mirror that represented her
visions and foresight; an
apple of immortality (later used as the poisoned apple in fairy tales)
which she could but seldomly bestowed on mortals and lastly a golden
orb with a sapphire that was a great symbol and bestower of
power. The latter may have initially been intended to represent
Hekate's apple. Hekate was also often represented by older
priestesses but there were exceptions but it was clear she preferred
the elder women as her avatars and representatives. TOP
women were very potent high priestesses of Hekate and were
often ruling as queens until after the fall of Troy when they seemed to
vanish. This strongly supports the theory that Hekate was a
potent part of the religious framework of Troy. Hekabe ("moving
far over the sea") or Hekuba ("moving far of") is believed to have been
the final queen of Troy and wife of Priam. They would have twelve
daughters and fifty doomed sons. Though of uncertain origin she
is credited as being the daughter of Telekleia ("far reaching fame"),
Eonoe (Phrygian, "good wisdom"), Evagora (Thracian, "good gatherer") or
Glaukippe ("grey horse") places known for worshipping Hekate. She
headed a college of priestesses who would become well known female
figures in mythology.
Names Meaning & Myth References
Aristodeme |
"the best of the
people" |
Kassandra |
"destroyer of men"
(Hecuba & Priam's daughter; Helenus' twin; was the prophetess of
doom cursed by Apollo who loved her)
Kreusa |
"queen" (Hekuba
& Priam's daughter; wife of Aeneas)
Laodike |
"justice of the
people" (Priam's favorite daughter; fell in love with Theseus &
Phaedra' son, Acamas)
Lysimache |
"releasing war"
(Priam & Hekuba's daughter)
Medusa |
female wisdom |
Medesikaste |
who becomes wise through ascetic practice |
Polyxena |
friendly (the
daughter Priam sacrifices)
was a prominent prophetess and renowned Witch who's curse doomed
Odysseus to his travelings. The curse would never be lifted and
Odysseus would not know peace from then on - ah, but that's another
story. Hekebe's life was tragic and ended on no happier note, she
was transformed into a black bitch. TOP
was most notably
a frequent lover of Hermes (Huhr-meez)
as well as other Gods. Hekate also had many children most of which were
monsters and mostly famous or infamous as it were. Scylla (Sih-lah, said to mean "puppy")
or Petraea (peh-tree-ah, meaning "the rocky one") for
example. Scylla may even be Cerberus (or perhaps he was an
avatar or aspect of hers) as she often took the form
of a three headed black hound with glowing red eyes. As
only one
myths (of which several variants exist) explains, she was once a
beautiful sea-nymph (or human) until
she became the romantic rival of Circe (Suhr-see)
(to name one)
who transformed her into a monster. Others claim she was born a
monster and had always been one. Scylla is also believed to be
Kirke a funerary Sun Goddess. Many agree that she was in fact an
Amazonian Goddess who was the keeper of the underworld much like her
mother as gatekeeper. Nevertheless Hekate, as Scylla's mother,
Cratais or Crataeis (Krah-tay-ihs; Krah-tee-yis).
She is credited (though sources have varying opinions) as being either
the grandmother, mother or aunt of Medea (Mee-dee-ah)
Circe, both are prominent sorceresses in Greek history. Some
claim the two sorceress are Hekate's daughters, other say
grand-daughters or some other relation. Medea is credited with
worshipping Hekate. Scylla
and actually still is, a dangerous stretch of waters near Greece that
long claimed the lives of many sailors and it is this stretch of water
that the monster myths are built around. I suggest that it is no
less possible nor plausible that the stretch of treacherous water was
named for the Goddess Scylla. TOP
modern witchcraft Hekate is associated almost exclusively with the
trinity mentioned above. In this triple Goddess aspect, she
a lot less fearsome than history paints her. She rules over the
and dark of the moon, a two week period that is best for magicks
with banishings, releasing, planning and introspection. Like
she has become a Goddess of the subconscience and of scrying.
she is invoked for justice and protection whereas she was once invoked
for revenge and punishment. She is, as she has always been, a
and complex figure: Goddess of wealth and fortune; mistress of magick
sorcery; protectress of youth and children; queen of the night, the
and the seas; huntress, protectress, tormentress. As kind and
as she can be cruel and unmoveable. TOP
Hekate enters your life it is through adversity, chaos, confrontation
and challenge. You can guarantee change is at hand when she
confronts you. She is a Goddess of the female rites of passage
leading from birth and regeneration of the newly incarnated spirit
through the childhood innocence of the maid, to the awakened warrioress
of motherhood and the wizened crone of later years leading into death
and rebirth. Though each door opened and closed may lead one
through pain and suffering it is only through these undertakings that
the spirit grows and learns. She challenges you to look not only
at the current dissatisfaction or unpleasantries of your life but to
study the past so as to learn from it and not relive it while demanding
you face the future with not only wisdom but wonder. She commands
you to honestly face not only her darkest side but your own learning
the balances and harmonies of nature and that while there is left,
right and centre all pathes are needed and valid. Though a strong
teacher she is also a delicate nurturer and joyful friend that can also
awaken beautiful things inside of you and your life. She may
appear as a herald of some future coming, good or ill. She may
come and awaken your own intuition with her presence in your
life. TOP
is a modern ritual dedicated to Hekate. While I do not have
expressed permission to use this piece I have seen it used numerous
times elsewhere and believe it is within the confines of fair use and
thereby ok for it to appear here. However if the owner or
copyright holder disagrees all they need to do is notify me for its
prompt removal.
Hecate Ritual
from "Moon
Magick" by D.J. Conway
Your will need a ritual
small cauldron, an apple, a piece of black cloth, and a small bit of
salt, in addition to any other ritual items you use. Put the apple in
the cauldron and cover the cauldron with the black cloth. Cast your
circle. With the wand tap the cauldron five times and say:
Hecate, Wise one, I
ask your blessings.
Lift the Veil for me that
I may greet my spirit helpers,
Long-ago friends from other lives, and
those who are new.
Let only
those who wish me well enter
within this sacred place.
Uncover the cauldron. Take out the apple, raise it in
offering, and lay it on the altar.
Hecate, your magick
cauldron is the well
of death and rebirth
An experience each of us under goes again
and again.
Let there be no fear in me, for I know
your gentleness,
Here is your secret
symbol of life in
Cut the apple crosswise with the dagger.
Contemplate the revealed
pentagram in the core. Put the two halves of the apple back into the
cauldron and cover them again with the black cloth.
Only the
initiated may know
your hidden Mysteries.
Only the true seekers may
find the spiral
Only those who know your
many secret faces
May find the Light that
leads to the
Inner Way.
Put a pinch of salt on your tongue:
I am mortal, yet
There is no end to life, only
new beginnings.
I walk beside the Goddess in
her many forms.
Therefore, I have nothing to
Open my mind and heart and soul
To the Deep Mysteries of the
Cauldron, O Hecate.
Do a meditation on seeking the Dark Moon goddess. Listen
to her
messages. Be aware of any new guides and teacher who may come through
to help you. TOP
She is credited
with the discovery of aconite (), rather than receiving it through
one of her sacred herbs which was once used in flying ointments. It is
said that it grew from the soil of the Underworld watered by the fallen
froth and spittle of Cerberus (Suhr-buhr-uhs).
It was considered to be the first poison. TOP
following associations have been attributed to her
All sweet,
virginal odors
Silver |
Aloes |
Almond |
Dog |
Camphor |
Chickweed |
Horse |
Civet |
Garlic |
Lion |
Honey |
Hazel |
Owl |
Menstrual blood |
Mandrake |
Ram |
Myrrh |
Moonwort |
Serpent |
Mugwort |
Wolf |
Storax/styrax |
Oak |
Woman |
Peppermint |
Onion |
Opium poppy |
Ranunculus |
(quartz) |
Threes |
Bow and Arrow |
Moonstone |
High Priestess |
Opal |
The Moon |
Pearl |
Robe Of
Concealment |
Star Sapphire |
Yoni |
list is general, in no way compleat and likely bound to
meet with
contradiction. My advice is to look for your own associations add
and delete as you feel is appropriate. TOP
is a list of alternative names, alias, titles and the like that were
used by or in association with Hekate throughout times unknown.
Some are independent Goddesses that she was equated with typically from
her attributes like Eileithyia due to her child birthing
attributes. Regardless of her names, to whom she's equated or
absorbed this Goddess has ever remained a powerful force, a psychopomp
and sorceress. TOP
Double faced
Anassan (an-ah-san)
Mistress |
Messenger/angel (Spartan)
Antaea (an-tee-ah)
Addressed in prayers/Goddess of
speeches |
Apanchomene (ah-pan-koh-mee-nee)
The all
hanging one (likely referring to her as the moon)
Aphrattos (af-rah-tohs)
The unnamable
or unspeakable one (Tarrentum)
Argiope (ar-guy-oh-pee)
visage or savage face
Of a city
Azostos (ah-zahs-tos)
Basileia (bah-sihl-ee-ah
or Bah-sihl-ya)
Queenly, regal
(possible reference to the basilisk)
Frog, belly
Boukolos (boo-koh-lohs)
Ox herder
Brimo (Bree-moh)
The angry one;
the roaring
Chthonia (thoh-nee-ah)
Relating to or
the underworld
Goddess of the
underworld who wears the golden sandals and drinks of blood.
child birthing Goddess (a name seemingly used as a title or at
least shared with others)
The marine one
Of the gate
(perhaps a confusion on "Erodia"?)
Epaine (eh-pee-nee
/ ee-pih-nee)
Awesome, awe
Epipyrgidia (ee-pih-peer-gih-dee-ya)
From the tower
(used at the Athenian Acropolis)
perhaps the early starts of Herodias?
Eukoline (yoo-koh-lih-nee)
Good tempered
Horse finder
Protectress of
Hecate or Hekate (Hehk-ah-tee;
Hee-kah-tee) |
Of uncertain
meaning. Possibly referring to the 100 months of the great lunar
year. Others
suggest it means "one from afar," "one who stands aloof," or "influence
from afar." |
Hegemonen (heh-geh-mohn-ihn)
Speaks from beneath
the earth, speaker from the Underworld
Having six hands or
six pathes
(hih-pah-ree-tee / hih-pahr-eh-tee)
Horse speaker
(the original horse whisperer LOL)
Most lovely one
(used in Athens)
Wearer of half
length boots |
Goddess of the
powers of night (from Aegyptian Heliopolitan pantheon, another
name of Hekit [?] and the source of Hekate's frog head many suggest)
Kleidouchos (klay-doo-kohs)
Guardian of
the gates (often a HPS [High Priestess] title), keeper of
the keys to the Underworld / pschye
(another of Persephone's names Hekate ended up with)
Kourotrophos (Koo-roh-troh-phohs)
Nurturer of
youths |
Krateis ([also
Cratais] Krah-tee-ihs Krah-tay-ihs)
(associated with her sea aspect)
Lady of the
saffron robe |
Bitch (once a
flattering title)
(lah-jihn-ih-tihs or laj-ihn-I-tis)
Creatrix of
the hare at Idrias (formerly Hekatesia)
Lampadophoros (lam-pah-doh-phoh-rohs)
Torch bearer |
lioness |
Screech owl, lily
flower. Probably used for her due to her similarities with Lilit.
Overseer of the
(loh-kihs / loh-kay-ihs)
A mid-wifery name
meaning "aids in childebirth"
(mee-rah or may-rah)
Glistening |
Mageus (maj-ee-uhs /
maj-oos / mah-goos / mag-uhs)
She who kneads
She who soothes
Meisopomenos (meh-soh-poh-mee-nohs)
Labourer of
the moon |
(mee-rah or mair-ah)
Older than
time |
Born alone |
Moon Goddess |
Nocturnal one |
Bride |
She who brings the
ravings of madness (perhaps originally "blessing with the power
to prophesy") |
Of the mountain of
the bards - A moon Goddess title
Celestial |
Wanderer in
the mountains |
quick to anger
All terrible
All teaching
Pantos Kosmou
Kleidouchos (pan-tohs kahz-moo klay-doo-kohs)
Keeper of the
keys of all the universe |
As daughter of
Perses, the Sun God, (son of Crius and Eurybia) who
married his cousin Asteria (daughter of Coeus and Phoebe).
(relating to Perses)
She who brings
forth or produces
Phileremona, Philermonia (fI-lee-ree-mahn or fihl-ee-ree-mahn;
fI-leer-ee-moh-nah or fihl-ee-ree-moh-nee-ya and fihl-ee-ree-moh-nah or
fI-leer-ee-moh-nee-yah |
Lover of
solitude |
Ruddy footed one (relates
to henna dying)
Light bringer;
used when Hekate carried torches |
The toad |
(poh-lihb-oh-teer-ah / po-lih-boh-tee-rah)
Generous nourisher,
abundant giver of nourishment
She who goes down
before, the psychopompe (Libyan title possibly relates to
(proh-pyoo-lye-yah / proh-pyoo-lih-ah)
She who stands
before the gate
title possibly relates to Prokathegetis[?]) |
Lady before
the door |
Guide of souls
(shared title though some suggest she was the
originator of it)
Purphoros (puhr-phoh-rohs)
bearer |
Rhododaktylos (roh-doh-dak-tihl-ohs)
Rosy fingered
Selene (Suh-lee-nee;
See-leen; See-lee-nee; See-lee-nah; Suh-lee-nah; Suh-leen) |
The moon |
Lady of the
dogs |
(soh-teer-ah or soh-tih-rah)
in Phrygia) |
killer/herder |
Triple birth
(some suggest "thrice born")
(tair-oh-broh-mohs or thee-roh-broh-mohs)
From cry of
the beast |
Trevia (tree-vee-yah
/ treh-vee-yah)
Of the three ways (Also
Trivia [Roman])
(try-oh-kuhr-ohs / troh-kee-rohs)
Triple necked or
having three necks
Triple faced
like the phases of the moon |
Of the three
ways |
Trivia (try-vee-ya
or trih-vee-ah)
Of the three
ways |
Sepulchral one |
Hekate was a reasonably common
subject for ancient sculptors
and appears
in many forms of art especially but not limited to reliefs. In
modern art Hekate is a seldom but not uncommon source or subject.